Los Angeles, USA


100% handmade soap bar


Aaron Jacobson of Quiet Lines is a small, single craftsman-run business. Aaron Jacobson graduated from California College of the Arts in San Francisco with a degree in Industrial Design. There he learned to build and create. Eventually finding a passion for designing clothing, bags, and small functional products. Quiet Lines was born from this love of design and appreciation for making things by hand.

“There is something special about handmade products. The attention to detail put into each item is impossible to replicate with traditional mass manufacturing. I want people to understand the effort and care that is put into even the smallest items we use every day. To change our perception on how we value items and tools is the best way to live a waste-less and sustainable life. I want all of my products to stay with you for life. To seamlessly fit into every day so you’ll never need a new one.” - Aaron Jacobson

Craftsmanship & Leather Sourcing

Aaron cuts, stitches, and polishes completely by hand using full grain Buttero Italian leather. Buttero Leather is a world-renowned Italian leather from the Conceria Walpier tannery. Founded in 1974, this tannery is a member of the Italian Vegetable Tanned Vera Leather Consortium, which exists to ensure the quality of the raw material and workmanship of vegetable tanneries in the Tuscan region. Buttero is known for its smooth grain side surface with deep and rich colors.

100% handmade soap bar


Leather is renewable as raw material and if leather was not produced, the replacement for it would have to be, at large, synthetic materials obtained from non-renewable resources. Leather products are also long-lasting and repairable, giving them a long lifespan. It’s made from a by-product of the food industry and if this by-product were not converted into leather, it would be thrown into a landfill, causing environmental risk. More specifically, since Buttero Leather is used to construct our Giramando Crossbody and is sourced from a tannery that is a member of the Italian Vegetable Tanned Vera Leather Consortium, you can rest assured that the process of transformation of their leathers is carried out with only natural vegetable tannins and with total respect for nature, guaranteeing that the manufacturing processes are compatible with the ecosystem and not harmful to people. (LEARN MORE)

Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Leather Crossbody Bag - Olive / Natural - Beyond Borders Collective
Giramondo Umhängetasche aus Leder - Olivgrün / Natur

Giramondo Umhängetasche aus Leder - Olivgrün / Natur


Italienisch für „Weltenbummler“, unsere Giramondo Umhängetasche aus Vollnarbenleder in Oliv/Natur ist mit ihren klaren Linien, dem durchdachten Design, der kompakten Größe und der atemberaubenden zweifarbigen Lederkombination ein wahrgewordener Traum für jeden Reisenden akzentuiert mit hochwertiger mattschwarzer Hardware.

Mit der externen Passtasche auf der Rückseite und den internen Kreditkarten-/Ausweisfächern haben Sie alle wichtigen Dinge während Ihrer Reisen immer griffbereit und immer griffbereit. Im Hauptfach ist ausreichend Platz, um Ihr Telefon, Ihre Brieftasche, Ihre Sonnenbrille usw. sicher aufzubewahren. Sorgfältig entworfen, komplett von Hand geschnitten, genäht und poliert in Zusammenarbeit mit Aaron Jacobson von Quiet Lines Handmade Goods, einem von einem einzelnen Handwerker geführten Betrieb in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA.

Hinter jedem Stich steckt eine Geschichte. ( Erfahren Sie mehr )


  • Größe 7,5" (19,05 cm) hoch x 5,5" (13,97 cm) breit x 2,5" (6,35 cm) tief

**Leder ist ein Naturmaterial und Unvollkommenheiten sind zu erwarten. Kleine Abweichungen in Farbe und Textur sind normal.**

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